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This is an independent evaluation of the Government of Sudan (GOS)/UNFPA 5th Country Programme (5th CP) of support to population activities in Sudan covering the period 2009 – 2012. The express purpose of this evaluation is to determine the soundness of the program, substantive accountability of the investments made and, as a basis for programming, make recommendations for future actions. This evaluation is national, and it covers line federal ministries involved in the implementation of the programme, and in the selected five states for CP focus; namely, Kassala, Gedarif, White Nile, Blue Nile and South Kordofan. The evaluation also includes support for recovery and humanitarian related interventions in Darfur within the context of UNDAF. The period covered in this evaluation is the 5th programme cycle, 2009-2012, involving the three components of the programme; namely, RH/HIV/AIDS; P&D including youth; and Gender. The clients of this evaluation are the implementers and the beneficiaries of the CP, including UNFPA, Government departments, and other relevant stakeholders who are expected to use the results for decision-making and to inform the planning, programme, budgeting, implementation processes