UNFPA Sudan is soliciting a Request for Quotation (RFQ) from suppliers who are duly registered/licensed with the Government of the Sudan, for the provision of:
Including hand & laundry soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary napkins, bag, underwear
Is your company qualified? Check your company’s suitability for providing UNFPA Sudan the requested goods and services. Contact us to receive related documentation:
Email: Attention: Esther Iceta Ondarra Attention: Abeer Mohamed
Phone: +249 912915951 Attention: Abeer Mohamed
Deadline for submission: Sunday 17th of August 2020 by 3.00 pm.
طلب تقديم عروض اسعار (RFQ) |صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان السودان
يرغب صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان السودان في الحصول على عروض اسعار من الموردين المسجلين/ المرخص لهم بالعمل مع حكومة السودان لتقديم:
مجموعات لوازم النظافة الصحية
(صابون غسيل الايدي ، صابون غسيل الملابس ، فرشاة أسنان ، معجون أسنان ، فوط صحية ، ملابس داخلية ، حقيبة)
البريد الإلكتروني: لعناية: عبير محمد
الموقع الإلكتروني:…
1. Is it possible to quote in SDG instead of USD?
Yes, it is possible. However, note that for bid evaluation purposes, all quotations will be converted into USD using the UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of competition deadline. Exchange rate at the moment is 55 SDG per USD.
2. If I quote in USD, will I necessarily receive the payment in USD? If I quote in SDG, will I necessarily receive the payment in SDG?
No, currency of quotation and currency of payment can be different. For example, quotation can be submitted in USD and receive payment in SDG. And vice versa, quotation can be submitted in SDG and receive payment in USD. However, note that all currency conversions will be executed using the UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of competition deadline. Exchange rate at the moment is 55 SDG per USD.
3. Can I receive payment in a bank account offshore?
Yes. However, note that the bank account must be registered on the exact name of your company. Any bank account registered at a different company name, at a mother/sister company name, at the company’s manager name, or at any other name other than the company name, will NOT be accepted.
4. There is a mistake in Table1. Item Specifications. Correct quantities are:
Item 5: Toothbrush 1 piece
Item 6: Toothpaste 2 pieces
Quantities displayed on Price Schedule table are correct.
5. If there is any specification of your products that does not much requested specifications, or your delivery schedule differs from the proposed one, please note it clearly.